Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Peanut Butter Diaries

Hello from the A side of things.  It's been a bit but it’s not for lack of wanting to post, it's due to lack of time.  I forgot how much being pregnant WIPES you clean of all energy.  I work full time, am a mom to a 3.5yo and I run our home - I'm finding that sometimes its A LOT to deal with and am having mini break downs and freak-out sessions.  Good times.  I am learning to be OK with saying no or letting my husband go to the grocery store for our family (and even do the laundry, baby steps - no pun intended). 
The other thing I am getting used to is eating 24/7.  I have gone 3 years and have been really good (for the most part).  Even when I slip during the week I can typically get back on track.  Now, not so much.  If I don’t eat, I feel like I am going to puke.  Having to work all day I cannot afford to be sick or down and out, even for an hour....and so I eat.  And eat and eat and eat.  Hence the creation of "the peanut butter diaries" - my new obsession is peanut butter.  Specifically peanut butter with butter and peanut butter with bananas on toast - just finished one in fact.  I can eat spoons of the glorious peanut paste and never fill up.  It's looking like baby #2 will have my passion for food, great.
I will admit I am trying very hard to make "smart" decisions.  I will grab an apple or a banana before I grab chips, that’s a big deal for me.  I did eat more of the Trader Joes soy ice cream (well, being honest I finished the carton...) but I am trying to make that a rare occurrence.  7 weeks and 3 days...tick tock goes the pregnancy clock.  Wish me luck and strength!
 - a

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you are doing 10 times better than I did with both my pregnancies. The minute I found out I was pregnant with S, I went to the store and bought 9 months of junk food



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